Motor Vehicles Enforcements Officers’ Association was formed in the year 1986 and it was registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1961 of West Bengal with Registration no: S/52760 of 1986-87. All the Officers of Non-Technical cadre like MVI, Addl. RTOs and RTOs are the members of this Association. Many eminent personalities like Shri Miltu Ghosh (Music Composer), Shri Nimai Ghosh (Photographer) and others ornamented the cadre as well as our Association.

At present, Executive committee of our Association comprising of President, Vice-president, General Secretary, Two Joint Secretary, Treasurer and 5 Executive Members. They are elected for every two years by the General Members in a Democratic system through ballot.

About Ourselves

With the inception of the Transport Department [ erstwhile known as Home (Transport Department )] under the Govt. of West Bengal, in 1962, the Officers such as Motor Vehicle Inspector ( Technical / non-Technical), Additional Regional Transport Officer and Regional Transport Officer were appointed under the Transport Department, with a definite purpose to generate Revenue by implementing and enforcing the provisions of the M.V.Act, Central M.V.Rules, W.B.M.V. Tax Act & Additional Tax Act and W.B.M.V.Rules in all the Districts including Kolkata as well as to look after the General Administration of the Motor Vehicle Offices in the state. Since then this Department of the Government has been successfully discharging all its duties and over the years it has established its importance as one of the most potential Revenue earning Departments of the Government.

The Motor Vehicle Department generally consists of four types of Officers namely: Motor Vehicle Inspector ( Technical ) , Motor Vehicle Inspector ( Non-Technical ), Additional R.T.O. and R.T.O.

The Officers from the first two cadres are considered for promotion to the post of the Addl. R.T.O, only after completion of Six years of minimum service and depending on the number of the vacancies available. At this stage it may be mentioned that out of the 19( nineteen) total number of the R.T.O posts available five posts remain reserve for the officers from the W.B.C.S. cadre.


  1. The Motor Vehicle Inspectors (Non- technical) are recruited directly by the P.S.C., WB.
  2. Appointment to all these posts requires a degree from a recognized university as an essential educational Qualification and the candidates are strictly required to maintain a certain level of physical standard (height and chest).
  3. Motor Vehicle Inspector (Non- Technical), act under the Central M.V. Act and the rules framed there under. They are empowered to conduct Surprise M.V. Raids, Investigate M.V. related matters, Institute M.V. cases and even have the power to compound the offences and realize fines under M.V. Act and rules i.e. execute Quasi – Judicial function.
  4. Like other enforcement wings the Motor Vehicle Inspector (Non-Technical) also prepares prosecution report and attends the court in connection with the matter related to the M.V. Cases.
  5. In addition to the enforcement duties, Motor Vehicle Inspector (Non- Technical) plays a pivotal role in proper functioning of the various M.V. Department. They deal with the matters related to the Registration of the new vehicles, verify the sale & purchase of the vehicles on change of hands, enquire in to the matters related to the termination of the Hire Purchase Agreement on liquidation of loans, conducts various surveys with regard to the creation of the new Routes etc., Prepares Fare Charts & Time-Tables of the passenger vehicles, looks after the passengers’ welfare ensuring smooth running of the passenger transport vehicles and helps in assessment & realization of M.V. Taxes against the vehicles i.e.they deal with the entire M.V.Related matters except the technical portion.
  6. Motor Vehicle Inspector (Non-Technical) constitutes the basic foundation of the entire M.V. Department and remain attached to the every spare of activities of the Department. As they are always in constant touch with the public, they are directly accountable not only to their superior officers but also to the common people for their any act of omission or commission.In most of the Districts & Sub-Divisions, where the volume of work is huge, the members of this cadre extend their co-operations by discharging the functions of the Registering authority and Licensing Authority when such powers are delegated to them in terms of the Rules 52 & 29 of W.B.M.V. Rules, 1989.
    This branch of officer regularly execute numerous types of other jobs having social importance such as

    a) Requisition of election vehicles and their proper management.
    b) VVIP and protocol duties.
    c) Vehicle Management during Ganga Sagar Mela and similar other such events.
    d) Emergency duties during natural calamities and accidents.

  7. Just like Police services, this is also a uniformed service. As per Sub-Rule 12 of Rule 353 of WBMV Rule 1989, the Motor Vehicle Inspectors (Non- Technical) are entitled to put on two shoulder stars (without ribbon) during initial years of their service. On completion of ten years of service, they are entitled to put on three shoulder stars (without ribbon) in place of two like Deputy Superintendent of Police.
  8. As an essential part of the duty, M.V.I. (Non-Technical) conducts regular Enforcement Raids on road during the day time as well as in the nights and earns a considerable amount as the Government Revenue. The magnitude of the effort exerted by the officers of this cadre is duly reflected by the huge amount of the Revenue earned every year by the M.V. Department. In the year 2000-2001 the Revenue earned was Rs.193 Cr. Whereas in 2013-2014, the same has reached the level of Rs.1000 Cr.(approximately).The Enforcement activities are practically carried on road following the principle of Detect, Chase & Intercept. Thus, such activities not only involve high magnitude of risks but also test the abilities of the officers to handle various situations, which are mostly hazardous & provocative in nature. Physical injuries suffered & the lives sacrificed during the Enforcement activities, by the officers of this cadre, in the past, exhibits the determination and commitment they have towards their work.

Moreover, looking towards the tremendous growth in the Transport sector in the recent years, it is quite obvious that the responsibilities & importance of the M.V. Department has increased by many folds during the current years, especially considering its Revenue earning mechanism.

The Responsibilities attached to the Post Of Addl. R.T.O.and R.T.O

The Addl. R.T.O. Posts are filled in by the Officers initially belonging to the cadres of Motor Vehicle Inspector ( Non-Technical & Technical). The role played by the Addl. R.T.O. in the administration of the Motor Vehicle Departments are very significant. The power enjoyed, duties discharged and the responsibilities shouldered by such officers are almost same as that of the officers in the posts of the R.T.O. Whatever little difference lies, it is with regard to the fact that in a districts R.T.O. functions as the Secretary, R.T.A. whereas the Addl. R.T.O. functions as the Assistant Secretary, R.T.A. In a Sub-Division, the Addl. R.T.O. acts independently and discharges the duties of the Registering Authorities, Licensing Authority and taxing officer. He is further required to look after the enforcement matters as well as the R.T.A. related matters there, if any.

The inherent importance attached to this post is reflected in the definition noted in Rule 2 (e) of W.B.M.V. (Amendment) Rules’2003, which says “District Magistrate means an Additional District Magistrate and includes a R.T.O. or a Addl. R.T.O. having jurisdiction in the District.”

Apart from the routine works, they also execute a variety of other jobs such as supervision and deployment of vehicles during the elections, natural calamities, festivals and V.I.P. movements etc. In the absence of R.T.O. in a District, the Addl. R.T.O. executes all the functions of the R.T.O. and acts as the Secretary, R.T.A. Like R.T.O., an Addl. R.T.O. also plays a pivotal role in respect of the matters related to the Road Safety and Pollution Control.